
Poka-yoke workstation

The poka-yoke zero defect principle –

defect prevention on order picking and manual assembly workstations

Poka-yoke = error prevention

When it comes to installing components at manual workstations the supplied components are picked manually. In the process, it is almost inevitable that incorrect components are picked and installed as a result of the routine of the employees. As the complexity and variety of the components being installed increases, thelikelihood of incorrectly picked components also increases.

  • The benefits of the poka-yoke assistance system at a glance:
  • Zero defects in assembly
  • Productivity is increased considerably
  • Process reliability even with multiple product variants
  • New employees are trained and productive within a few minutes
  • Consistent quality regardless of the employee, no rectification or repair
  • No parts lists or instructions on paper
  • No searching for components
  • Short assembly times

Errors can simply be avoided with guided production solutions
Typical sources of errors in manual assembly include the picking of incorrect components with a similar appearance or name, picking and installation of components in the wrong order or the simple omission of a component. A quality inspection which is conducted after production is not suitable for preventing defects during assembly. Repair or rectification is considerably more costly and time-consuming or, in the worst case, the customer receives incorrectly assembled products.

A poka-yoke assembly workstation represents a solution to these problems. The poka-yoke principle is a Japanese designation which can be loosely translated as "error prevention". Poka-yoke is a method for preventing errors during production or in logistics at the source before they even have a chance to occur and cause unforeseeable costs.

Poka-yoke workstation brochure

How does the poka-yoke workstation system work?

The hinged doors are the main feature of a poka-yoke workstation. This means that poka-yoke also provides a physical barrier in addition to the visual aids of the classic pick to light system so that incorrect parts cannot be picked even inadvertently.

The employee is guided step by step to the correct component container by the opening of the flaps and the lighting up of the display. The materials required for the working step are picked and there is no need for a long search. Poka-yoke sensors/flaps are also used for material replenishment. Because the topping up of components is a further area which is susceptible to errors. A QR code on a box of screws, for example, is scanned and the system opens the correct compartment for replenishment. This ensures that the assembly worker is supplied with and installs the correct materials.
The individual working steps can be shown on a display screen. Work instructions and error messages are displayed visually with text and/or images.

  • Straightforward & quick
  • Efficient "Sho-Haisen" wiring principle for the attachment and replacement of all sensors with the same plug connector on the cable
  • Intuitive connections for quick network installation
  • Simple configuration, programming and maintenance
  • Variable & customisable
  • Wide range of sensors and modules with different functions
  • Customisable thanks to variable width, colour and depth
  • Flap technology for compartments of different sizes
  • Compatible & integrative
  • Special bridges connect assembly stations via CC-Link or CC-Link IE networks
  • Can be integrated directly into the control system thanks to special software
  • Simple connection to IT system
  • Flexible & upgradable
  • New devices easy to integrate into the overall system
  • New sequences can be stored using remote control or teach mode
  • Can also be adapted perfectly to the requirements retroactively
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The poka-yoke zero defect principle

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Our service – expert consultation also available on-site

Our product specialists are of course on hand to help you when it comes to detailed issues, and we develop the perfectly tailored solution for your processes together with you.

  • We assist you from the first review right through to commissioning – your partner for process optimisation!
  • Field service – on-site consultation also available
  • Our Key Account managers and sales consultants are happy to visit you on site and help you draw up practical solutions.
  • Just make a sketch of your requirements
  • Workshop – definition of the required components
  • Our product specialists will devise a solution for you
  • Implementation and delivery
    We can deliver your turnkey solution or assemble and commission it for you on site.

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Olaf Durstewitz

Olaf Durstewitz
Head of Product Consultancy

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