
Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

(Stand 06/2023)

The supplier, its managers and employees are committed to socially responsible corporate governance.
The supplier shall actively work towards acting ethically and legally impeccably, particularly in the areas of working conditions, social and environmental compatibility, competition and transparency, by sustainably observing, complying with and promoting the values and principles set out below.

1. Compliance with the laws

The applicable laws and other legal provisions of the countries in which the supplier operates shall be complied with.

2. No bribery or corruption

The Supplier does not tolerate any form of corruption and bribery as defined by the UN Convention (United Nations Convention against Corruption of 2003, in force since 2005).
Bribes, kickbacks or other corrupt measures aimed at obtaining an unlawful advantage are prohibited.
The supplier may neither offer nor directly or indirectly accept bribes, non-transparent commissions or other dishonest payments from persons and organizations.
This applies to government authorities, individual government representatives, private companies and all employees of these organizations.

3. Fair competition

The rules of competition and antitrust law are complied with.
The supplier promotes ethically and legally fair competition.

4. Respect for the basic rights of employees

  • The supplier bases its actions on ethical values and principles and therefore promotes equal opportunities and equal treatment of employees regardless of their gender or age, their ethnic and national affiliation, their social and cultural background, any disabilities, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs.
  • The supplier respects the right of employees to freedom of association, freedom of assembly and collective bargaining, insofar as this is legally permissible and possible in the respective country.
  • The supplier is committed to the promotion of human rights.
  • It upholds human rights in accordance with the UN Charter of Human Rights (Universal Declaration
  • of Human Rights, UN Resolution 217 A (III) of 1948).
  • It respects the privacy and personal rights of each individual.
  • It ensures the health and occupational safety of its employees and promotes a safe and healthy working environment in order to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • It protects its employees from corporal punishment and from physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse and prevents forced labor.
  • It guarantees the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

4.  Respect for the basic rights of employees (continuation)

  • The supplier guarantees compliance with labor standards with regard to remuneration, in particular with regard to the level of remuneration and with regard to the maximum permissible working hours in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

5. Child labour

The supplier complies with the prohibition of child labor, i.e. the employment of persons younger than 15 years of age, unless local legislation stipulates higher age limits and unless exceptions are permitted (ILO Convention No. 138 of 1973 and ILO Convention No. 182 of 1999).

6. Environmental protection

  • The Supplier shall comply with the provisions and standards of the relevant environmental protection regulations and act in an environmentally conscious manner at all locations.
  • The Supplier shall obtain all necessary environmentally relevant permits and authorizations and comply with the operational requirements and reporting obligations specified therein.
  • It shall use natural resources responsibly and endeavour to minimize environmental pollution and continuously improve environmental protection in the course of its business activities.
  • Comply with the specifications for regulated substances and product content and all relevant laws prohibiting or restricting the use, content and handling of certain substances, in particular "RoHS", "WEEE", "REACH" and "California Proposition 65" and similar laws and regulations.
  • The supplier shall provide RK Rose+Krieger GmbH with all information relating to the aforementioned substances and product contents, such as material declarations, without being requested to do so.
  • It shall ensure that the products it supplies are not contaminated by or emit substances that impair paint wetting ("LABS").
  • Such substances can be silicones, fluorine-containing substances (e.g. PTFE), certain oils and greases.
  • He must treat, control, treat and/or dispose of waste, waste water and/or air emissions generated during his business activities, even if they do not constitute hazardous substances, in accordance with the applicable laws.

7. Conflict minerals

The supplier confirms to the best of his knowledge and belief that the products to be supplied by him do not contain any so-called "Conflict Minerals" (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold), the sale of which supports the armed conflict in the DR Congo.

8. Data protection

When collecting and processing personal data, the Supplier shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

9. Audit and corrective actions

The supplier shall keep all documents and make them available to RK Rose+Krieger GmbH on request in order to verify compliance with this Code of Conduct.
The supplier shall grant RK Rose+Krieger GmbH the right to audit and inspect its sites and all relevant documents.
If RK Rose+Krieger GmbH comes to the conclusion during such an inspection that the supplier is not complying with this Code of Conduct, the supplier shall immediately take the necessary corrective measures.
In the event that the supplier or its suppliers do not comply with the rules of conduct of this "Code of Conduct", RK Rose+Krieger GmbH shall be entitled to terminate the business relationship with the supplier.
The supplier shall agree with its sub-suppliers that RK Rose+Krieger GmbH shall also have the right to audit them accordingly.

10. Declaration of the supplier

The supplier undertakes to comply with all principles of this "Code of Conduct" and to oblige its own suppliers in the further value chain to comply with the corresponding rules of conduct within the scope of their respective possibilities.

Yours sincerely,

RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
Connecting and positioning systems

Björn Riechers
Managing Director